Singing Guide: Faith Prince

Singing Guide: Faith Prince

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Faith Prince is a Tony Award-winning Broadway star known for her powerful soprano voice and her vivacious personality that brings any stage to life. If you're looking to learn to sing like Faith Prince, there are several factors to keep in mind.

  • Master Your Voice Range
    • One of the unique features of Faith Prince's vocal technique is her impressive range. As a singer, it's important to know your own vocal range to ensure that you're making the most of your natural talents. Singing Carrots' vocal range test is a great place to start to determine your vocal range and work on expanding it.
  • Understanding Voice Registers
    • Faith Prince's vocal style involves using a mix of both chest and head voice with a strong belting technique. To understand this vocal technique, it's important to understand vocal registers. Check out Singing Carrots' blog post on voice registers and vocal break to build a stronger foundation for your singing style.
  • Breath Support and Control
    • Breath control is essential for singing with the power, clarity, and range of Faith Prince. Check out Singing Carrots' resources on breath support and active and passive breathing to develop your own breath control and support.
  • Posture and Open Vocal Tract
    • Faith Prince's vocal style is also characterized by good posture and an open vocal tract to allow for clear and powerful projection. Singing Carrots' breathing basics and open mouth and throat blog articles can help you work on this crucial aspect of your singing technique.
  • Song Selection
    • Finally, Faith Prince is known for her powerful performances of songs such as "There's a Small Hotel" and "Adelaide's Lament." When selecting songs to practice, choose ones that showcase your vocal strengths and showcase the style you're aiming to emulate. You can find a variety of songs to explore on Singing Carrots' song search tool.

By incorporating these tips and using Singing Carrots' resources to build a stronger foundation for your singing technique, you can develop your own singing style that emulates the powerful and dynamic vocals of Faith Prince.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.